Professional theatre for the community.

Shakespeare. Classics. Puppetry. Education. Festivals.
CT H.O.T. School Teaching Artists
And much more.

As a certified non-profit, all donations to Flock Theatre are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Donations help Flock Theatre continue to spread theatre throughout our community in the forms of free shows, in-school education, acting classes, puppetry and a variety of exceptional community events.
To view a copy of Flock Theatre’s 501(c)3, click here.

Eric Engelhardt Memorial Scholarship
for National Puppetry Conference

Flock Theatre is the fiscal sponsor for the Eric Engelhardt Memorial Scholarship for participants at the National Puppetry Conference, hosted at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center.
To provide your support, please send a check made out to:
The Eric Engelhardt Memorial Scholarship
to 10 Prospect Street, New London, CT 06320

Flock Theatre has performed in a variety of spaces such as the CT College Arboretum, Mitchell College, Wilcox Park, historic houses/museums, city streets and waterfronts, and wherever we are invited!

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Flock Theatre teaches in schools and learning institutions throughout the state. To learn more about Flock Theatre’s work as CT Teaching Artists and other educational work, please use the button below.